“Hi, I’m Ana” she said in a very thick accent. She extended her hands to me but her scantily-clad young body certainly does not make any effort not to touch mine. “I’m John” I said. I offered her the seat in front of me, but she preferred the seat close to mine. She is Number 112 on the stage and for her, tonight is just all in a day’s work.
Search the “It’s More Fun in the Philippines” slogan on the
web and chances are you will see more than a couple of addresses in the list
that promote the Philippines as a sex-tourism destination. Although
prostitution is illegal in the Philippines, you don’t have to be a detective to
find it being practiced. The red-light district of most big cities operates
openly and freely and no administration from the Marcos Regime to the present
Noynoy Administration could stop them. They are in Manila, Subic, Cebu, Baguio
and in Angeles City to name a few.