Sunday, January 01, 2012

2012 - Fireworks and Some Thoughts

The connection between fireworks and new year has been known since time immemorial. It is believed that the lights produced by these fireworks will illuminate the way for the whole year and the sounds they produce will drive away bad luck.

But for the typical Juan, a decent firework could cost them an amount that will better be spent for a simple meal for media y noche. Just to compare, a 30-second fountain or a 3-piece roman candle cost about 100 pesos, and by that amount, a family of four can have half a kilo of pork for their new year meal.

Good thing there are fireworks displays around the Metro that are open for the public to see. And one of them is the SM Mall of Asia New Year Fireworks Display that promises to be the grandest fireworks display to start 2012. So, at exactly midnight of transition from 2011 to 2012, a 15-minute spectacular fireworks show filled the sky of Manila Bay.

Let me share some of the photos as well as random thoughts I have, be it resolutions or wishes for 2012. Of course, reading the text parts is optional :)

FAMILY - oh mom, I promise to call you more often and when you get back here in Pinas by September, I do promise to spend more and more time with you. Even if I quit work! Haha. To my brothers, sisters, nephews and nieces... I know, I know... "In time of test, Family is best."

WORK - you are a rubber ball. The past year, I gave my best for you to the detriment of the other aspects of my life. This year, things will definitely change because I want my Saturdays back. (crossing fingers) "Looking back at the times where I allowed my work to create stress and frustration in my life I now realize what I thought was important really was not. I am not saying you should not take your work seriously, what I am saying is that we need to realize that life is all about balance."

TRAVEL - I am aiming to add at least 10 new provinces in my list this year. Ilo-ilo, Guimaras, Cagayan are now booked. Surigao Provinces are in the works and would probably add Abra, Kalinga, Apayao and Quirino for good measure. Of course, another international travel would be a big bonus. “We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.”

FRIENDS - To the old ones (highschool friends and former officemates), I promise to find more time to rekindle the relationships and friendships we had; To the new ones (travel bloggers), let us have memorable trips together :) "Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend - or a meaningful day."

PHOTOGRAPHY - wish list this year is to regain back the type of lenses I lost in Baler. I would probably start with a wide-angle and hopefully, this summer :) “Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever... it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything."

LAW - so many fields, so little time... political (check), corporate (check), taxation (check)... hmmm trial court practice is not a bad idea this year hmmm! "Lawless are they that make their wills their law."

SPIRIT - may our lifelong bond continue to fluorish. YOU kept me alive in 2010, YOU continued your guidance in 2011 and I do hope that YOU continue to bless me in 2012. "I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't and die to find out there is."

LOVE - it is a hit and miss thing but I am never giving-up. I know that 2012 will be big and I just can't wait! "Those that go searching for love, only manifest their own loveless ness. And the loveless never find love, only the loving find love. And they never have to seek for it."

Peace in your heart, warmth in your soul, contentment in life and joy in your home. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!



  1. "LOVE - it is a hit and miss thing but I am never giving-up."

    amen! ♥

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  3. Beautiful shots of the firework! Love them! Happy New Year 2012! : )

  4. i have poor eyesight pero pinaghirapan kong basahin ang "fine print".:p i am wishing you all the best in 2012, my friend, in all aspects of your life. cheers!

  5. stunning captures and post! Happy New Year to you and my best wishes for an awesome 2012!

  6. Love the fireworks and what a great capture, Oman! I do wish you a most wonderful and Happy New Year filled with all the good and beautiful things! Enjoy!


  7. Sama sa trips!!! Magiging brokenhearted ako pag nahanap mo na ang lab op your layp, but will be happy for you... LOL. Kakatouch naman message mo kay nanay :) Happy New Year Atty!

  8. Belated Christmas and New Year's greetings bai! All the best to your new career and new direction :D

  9. May you have everything your heart wishes for this 2012. But if you won't, may you find greater joys from the surprises life brings.
    Have a fantastic 2012, Lawstude! :-)

  10. Nice insights... as well as the fireworks! Na miss ko na ang fireworks, bawal kasi rito sa Davao since 2001. :(

    Happy New Year, Oman! :D

  11. ayos ang mga messages and resolutions! except sa Law! haha.
    happy new year again Oman! Continue to inspire others with your wisdom! naks.

  12. Here Are My Wishes For You

    H Ours Of Happy Times With Friends And Family
    A Bundant Time For Relaxation
    P Rosperity
    P Lenty Of Love When You Need It The Most
    Y Outhful Excitement At Lifes Simple Pleasures

    N Ights Of Restful Slumber
    E Verything You Need
    W Ishing You Love And Light

    Y Ears And Years Of Good Health
    E Njoyment And Mirth
    A Angels To Watch Over You
    R Emembrances Of A Happy Years!

  13. Lovely fireworks. Great Job.

  14. nice post, wonderful shots... and breathtaking "fine prints" (lucky girl!)

  15. Awesome shots dude.

  16. Ah love it! The glittery gold fireworks are just too cool. What a delightful way to spend the evening. You have set the scene well- I think I'd prefer to sit whole night here with such wonderful scene! Firework pictures are spectacular!
